
Friday 14 January 2011


On Wednesday, 26th January, 3rd and 4th year ESO students will attend a musical-lecture play at our assembly hall. Its name is "AQUARIUS". Rupert Marshall, anthropologist, musician and director of Firewalk Theatre will perform his musical-lecture and he will check on old rock hits from the 50s and 60s and their meaning within the social context in which they were successful. On this blog we're going to try to post as many of the songs which appear on the play as we can. We are posting the audios with the lyrics, so you can follow and understand them and also practice listening as usual. Here are the ones we've found:
Audio+lyrics "ACROSS THE UNIVERSE", The Beatles:

Audio+ lyrics "SATISFACTION", Rolling Stones:

Audio+lyrics "WISH YOU WERE HERE", Pink Floyd (On a post on this blog dated 22-09-2010, there's the same song in a cover version by Spanish singer Ana Torroja also with audio+lyrics):

Audio+lyrics "WHERE DO THE CHILDREN PLAY?", Cat Stevens:

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