
Saturday 1 November 2014


About to start the week when we'll be celebrating the 25th anniversary of the opening of the "RAFAEL DIESTE" Plurilingual Secondary School, our headmaster L. Fernando Gómez Sal has given an interview to Ivan Aguiar for the local newspaper "La Opinion de A Coruña". You can either read it here via this link or translated into English below.

Luis Fernando Gómez Rafael Dieste Secondary School's headmaster

'The problem we have with our students is motivation'

To mark the occasion of the 25th anniversary of the opening of Rafael Dieste Secondary School, the headmaster, Luis Fernando Gómez, explains which are the challenges the teachers must face to keep up with the quality of our teaching. He also comments on the experience of being a plurilingual school. 
-Which are the aims for this school in the next few years?
- The school sets to continue with the same educational path for the future as during the latest years improving the education our students receive. Assisting both the students who have problems and those who don't want to go onto university studies, offering also quality education.
- What's the exprerience of adapting the school to a plurilingual educational system been like?
-Our school offers some subjects in English for all students. Specifically our school teaches Physical Education, Technology and Music in English. Students don't have great problems. They have to adapt in the lower levels. Soon they get used to it and it's a complement to their training which we think is very useful.
- How do you see the educational scene at the moment?
-The situation of education is a reflection of our current society, which is going through difficult moments, but I'd emphasise that thanks to the teachers' effort, we achieve a respectable and appropriate educational level.
- Has the level of students  lowered compared to other years?
- I don't think student's levels have worsened- I haven't got a pessimistic view of education. We have to take into account that we have a very varied group of students, which have very different interests and perspectives. On the one hand we assist students who only want to get the school graduation and others who want to go onto university. So I don't think the level of education has lowered in recent years, but we do have the difficulty of managing students who have different interests and aims for their future.
-Is it difficult to maintain the level when there are students who want to give up studying and others want to carry on?
-The problem we have with our students is motivation. In our classrooms we find students who are completely unmotivated together with others who are completely aware that they are at school to prepare themselves for their future. It's difficult to get these unmotivated students to be part of the school and get a suitable training. We try to make them part of it every day.
- What's going to happen at the commemorative event on November 6th?
- We're going to bring together people who have belonged to our school throughout these 25 years. Former teachers, students and some educational authorities and managing staff from other schools. Current and former members of parent associations will also attend.
Galician version of this post @ ArquivosDoTrasno.

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