
Sunday 22 November 2015


After last week's terrorist attacks in Paris and Mali, here's a map that shows the number of victims in terrorist attacks last year around the world, according to the Global Terrorism Index released last Tuesday.
Boko Haram is the most dangerous terrorist group in the world. Set in northern Nigeria, this group killed more than 6.600 people last year. The IS group came second killing a little more than 6.000 people. Both these terrorist groups are responsible for more than half the deaths (51%) by terrorism in the most deadly year in history, with an 80% rise in comparison to the previous year.
32.654 people died last year in terrorist attacks, (nine times more victims than in 2000). 80% of these attacks occur in only five countries: Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Nigeria & Siria.

+ info: Global Terrorism Index 2015.

Galician version of this post @ ArquivosDoTrasno.

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