
Wednesday 16 March 2016


Continuing with Emmeline Pankhurst and the suffragettes. Here's a post which collects some of her most remarkable quotes and her famous speech "Freedom or Death" (1913). And lines from the "Suffragette" film dialogues.

Video "FREEDOM OR DEATH", Emmerline Pankhurst:

Link to the complete speech @ TheGuardian:

Great speeches of the 20th century: Emmeline Pankhurst's Freedom or death

"I am here as a soldier who has temporarily left the field of battle in order to explain what civil war is like when civil war is waged by women."
"Now I want to say to you who think women can't succeed, we have brought the government of England to this position that it has to face this alternative: either women are to be killed or women are to have the vote."

["FREEDOM OR DEATH", Emmerline Pankhurst.]

Video trailer 1 of the film "Suffragette", where the lines below appear:

[Lines below taken from dialogues of the film "Suffragette" (2015) Trailer nº1.]
- "We meet Mondays & Thursdays, if you're interested..."

- "You're a suffragette, Ms Ellyn."
- "I consider myself more as a soldier"

"As Mrs Pankhurst says, 'it's deeds, not words that will get us to vote'."

"For 50 years we have laboured peacefully to secure the vote for women. We've been ridiculed, battered and ignored."

"All my life, I've done what men told me. Well, I can't have that anymore"

"I ask the women in Britain to rebelion."

"We break windows, we burn things 'cause war is the only language men listen to."

"We're in every home, we're half the human race, you can't stop us all. We will win."

"And never surrender. Never give up the fight."

Video trailer 2 where the lines below appear:

[Lines below taken from dialogues of the film "Suffragette" (2015) Trailer nº2]
- "You work at the Glass House Laundry...?"
- "I was born there... Part time from when I was 7, full time from when I was 12..."

"What would the vote mean for you?"

- "Votes for women. Power is in your hand"
- "No one cares, love."
- "Some of us do..."

"All my life, I've been respectful. Done what men told me."

- "You're a wife. My wife... That's what you're meant to be"
- "But I can't have that anymore..."

"Never underestimate the power we, women, have to define our own destinies. We have been left with no alternative, defy this government." "Vote for women!"

"We shall cut into the heart of communications..."

"Rules mean nothing to me, I've had no say in making the law."

- "We will stop you."
- "What you're gonna do? Lock us all up? We're in every home. We're half the human race. You can't stop us all."

"We do not want to be law-breakers. We want to be law-makers."

"The only way is forward."

"I'm worth no more, no less than you."

"We will win."

"Never surrender. Never give up the fight."

[Colour code: In red - suffraggettes speaking. 
In blue - Emmeline Pankhurst speaking.
In black - men speaking.]

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