
Friday 27 May 2016


This evening, once again, like every last Friday in May, we said goodbye to this year's 2nd BAC students, who leave our school on the road to their new future...
Again students, families and teachers gathered at the Assembly Hall of the nearby Profesional Music Conservatory of A Coruña to celebrate their farewell from the secondary school years.
A very smart ceremony hosted by Jose Juan, with speeches by our headmaster and Clara Manrique, on behalf of the students, and musical performances by some of them...
One of the great moments was when J. compared our school with Spain. Rephrasing his speech, it was something like this:
"Our school works much better than our country. We don't have problems with our royalty, we have our own Isabel & Fernando. Every four years, we choose our headmaster without any trouble or complication... one goes out, another comes in... And we don't make such a fuss about parents bringing their own kids to work like with Carolina Bescansa. Ramón Neira has always brought his children to work since the first day he started working here without any objections."

As usual, we wish all the best in your future and remember your years with us!

Galician version of this post @ ArquivosDoTrasno.

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