
Monday 2 May 2016


Last Monday, 25th Abril, as an activity of our VII Cultural Week, students from 1ºBAC-A, (my tutoring class) performed "The School of Athens" together with their Philosophy teacher. This performance was a live recreation of the famous Italian Renaissance painting of the same name by Raphael, which now decorates the Stanza de la Segnatura in the Apostolic Palace in the Vatican.

The original painting is shown below:

And below, even another noted version with proposed identifications (according to the Wikipedia):
1: Zeno of Citium 2: Epicurus Possibly, the image of two philosophers, who were typically shown in pairs during the Renaissance: Heraclitus, the "weeping" philosopher, and Democritus, the "laughing" philosopher. 3: unknown (believed to be Raphael)4: Boethiusor Anaximander or Empedocles? 5: Averroes 6: Pythagoras 7: Alcibiades or Alexander the Great? 8: Antisthenes or Xenophon or Timon? 9: Raphael, Fornarina as a personification of Love or Francesco Maria della Rovere? 10: Aeschines or Xenophon? 11: Parmenides? (Leonardo da Vinci) 12: Socrates 13: Heraclitus (Michelangelo) 14: Plato (Leonardo da Vinci) 15: Aristotle (Giuliano da Sangallo) 16: Diogenes of Sinope 17: Plotinus (Donatello?) 18: Euclid or Archimedes with students (Bramante?) 19: Strabo or Zoroaster? (Baldassare Castiglione) 20: Ptolemy? R: Apelles (Raphael) 21: Protogenes (Il SodomaPerugino, or Timoteo Viti)

Including a video which guides you through the painting with a detailed description in English.

Video about "The School of Athens"! painting:

Galician version of this post @ ArquivosDoTrasno. (+video of the performance at our school assembly hall, last Monday)

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