
Friday 7 April 2017


Tania Souto, the English teacher in practice in our school this year, has prepared a task based educational project related with the Cosmos and popular urban culture of rap and hip hop. She has been able to involve all the students from 2nd BAC to complete a multi-competence task. We are grateful for her interest and work. Here are some photos, we'll be updating with video soon.

Galician version @ ArquivosDoTrasno.


  1. Dear students and teachers from the English Department, thank you so much for having encouraged and supported this fantastic project. The outcome has exceeded my initial expectations. You are a great team and your high school has been for me a happy place to learn and experience Education. Special thanks to my dearest tutor Hilda Fraga for her unconditional support, her great teachings, her easy-going and enjoyable character and, obove all, her friendship, I have learned much more than I expected from you. I would like to thank Jose Ramón as well for his availability, encouragements and his work on this website. Many special thanks to Sara Dumesnil for her hard work, her enormous support and her lovely cheerfulness. Last but not least,thanks to Fernando, the school's principal, for his support and to Isabel for all her help and friendship. And finally, of course, I wouldn't find enough words to thank​ and congratulate all the students from 2BAC and from some other grades who have put all their hearts in this project while using the English language almost 24/24 for a couple of weeks. There is so much talent in you. I have learnt from you, been inspired by you and you have been lovely to me. I wish you all the best.


    1. It's talent & motivation like yours what we need in education. Good luck in your future, all the best!

  2. Oh! And I wouldn't like to forget thanking Aida, our coordinator, who has been so helpful, warm and available throughout our internship
