
Thursday 29 June 2017


Some of you will still remember an old friend of our school, Paul Behrend, who was conversation assistant at our school between 2011 and 2013. He has recently gone back to his country, the United States, after a 7-year stay in Spain,  but he got to send us a box full of material for our school with some games and books.
One of those books is very special because it comes with his own handwritten dedication as a donation to the Rafael Dieste School Library. 
So from here, we'd like to thank him for remembering us and pay a tribute to one of the most devoted conversation assistants we've ever had with the school, the students and the teachers and wish him the best for his new life back home.

You know where we are!
Good luck, Paul! Thanks!

Here are photos of the book and his dedications:

Galician version of this post @ ArquivosDoTrasno.

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