
Sunday 12 November 2017


This chart above and the list below are a compilation of frequently used English binomial expressions.

13. Short and sweet

Meaning: Efficiently brief in duration, especially when referring to an unpleasant task.

E.g. The staff meeting was short and sweet today.

14. Sooner or later

Meaning: Eventually, at some undetermined time in the not-too-distant future.

E.g. He’ll turn up sooner or later.

15. Step by step

Meaning: From one stage to the next in sequence.

E.g. We were shown the process step by step.

16. Neat and tidy

Meaning: In a state of good order; tidy.

E.g. The house is neat and tidy.

E.g. She was sick and tired of her daughter pestering her to help her with her homework.

17. Wine and dine

Meaning: To entertain someone to a fine meal.

E.g. The company wined and dined the prospective clients.

18. Up and down

Meaning: Upward and downward, alternately

E.g. She looked me up and down and hinted that I could do with losing some weight.
19. Back and forth

Meaning: Going from one place or position to another and back again.

E.g. The back and forth movement of the tide causes erosion of the coastline.

20. Far and wide

Meaning: Over a great distance or large area; nearly everywhere.

E.g. People came from far and wide to see the show.
21. Loud and clear

Meaning: In a clear and easily understandable manner.

E.g. The message from voters came across loud and clear.

22. Skin and bones

Meaning: Emaciated; very thin, as from lack of nutrition.

E.g. Look at that starving dog; he's nothing more than skin and bones.

23. Odds and ends

Meaning: Miscellaneous things.

E.g. The garage was filled with a random assortment of odds and ends.
24. Make or break

Meaning: To be a crucial factor in determining the success of something.

E.g. Vince knew that his ability to come up with a catchy hook would make or break his song.

25. Take it or leave it

Meaning: A situation has to be accepted without change, or rejected outright.

E.g. That's the deal: take it or leave it.

26. Sooner or later

Meaning:  Eventually, at some undetermined time in the not-too-distant future.

E.g. He’ll turn up sooner or later.

27. Wear and tear

Meaning: Damage or depreciation resulting from ordinary use

E.g. I drive carefully and have my car serviced regularly to avoid wear and tear.

28. Ups and downs

Meaning: Periods of positive and negative events, moods, or interactions; highs and lows.

E.g. Heidi and Mike had their ups and downs, but they stayed married for more than 60 years.

29. Little by little

Meaning: A small amount at a time.

E.g. I earned enough money, little by little, to buy a car.

30. Spick and span

Meaning: Clean, spotless; original sense “like new”.

E.g. I mopped up the kitchen floor so it was spick-and-span.
31. Slice and dice

Meaning: To break a body of information down into smaller parts or to examine it from different viewpoints so that you can understand it better

E.g. Transcripts of the debate were available almost immediately, providing some opportunities to slice and dice the contenders’ words.

32. Win or lose

Meaning: Whether you succeed or fail

E.g. Win or lose, you must be proud that you got this far.

33. Do’s and don’ts

Meaning: Instructions and warnings about what you should and should not do in a particular situation

E.g. Here is a list of do’s and don’ts for anyone planning to start a business.

34. Live and learn

Meaning: To learn from the experiences that life gives us (often you live and learn), said when you hear or discover something which is surprising.

E.g. You mean I can get a discount because I’m under 26? Well, you live and learn – I never knew that!

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