
Thursday 22 March 2018


(Photo: Students at Santa Cruz Castle last Tuesday)

This morning the sixteen Nuremberg students participating in this year's students exchange have returned home. It has been a ten-day non-stop trip living with the Spanish host families and taking part in different activities.
Wednesday 14th: Visiting: Domus, Bellas Artes Museum (the visit to the Old Town was cancelled due to heavy rain), and official welcome reception with Coruña's mayor at María Pita in the afternoon. (See here).
Thursday 15th: Trip to Santiago de Compostela (Cidade da Cultura-Gaiás, Museo do Pobo Galego, Cathedral & Old Town).
Friday 16th: Visiting: Casa dos Peces and Torre de Hércules.
Free weekend with the host families.
Monday 19th: Visiting: Casa Picasso and the Plaza de Lugo food market.
Tuesday 20th: Trip along Golfo Artabro coast. Stops at Santa Cruz Castle, Sada, Pontedeume-Cabanas beach and Betanzos. Farewell family buffet at the school.
Wednesday 21st: Visiting: Monte de San Pedro park and Bellas Artes workshop.
Thursday 22nd: Departure to Oporto airport at 6:30h.
Good journey home! We'll see you in Nuremberg in April.

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