
Friday 25 May 2018


This evening we said goodbye, once again, to another 2nd Bac year students from IES Plurilingüe "Rafael Dieste". It was the 2012-2018 group of pupils. The event was held at the "Andrés Gaos" Auditorium at the nearby Superior Music Conservatory. And like every year, speeches, videos, performances and memories reminded us of their years at our school.
Here are photos of the outstanding moments.

Congratulations and good luck to all!

Galician version of this post @ RafaelDiesteBlog.

Hosts of the show: Uxía Soneira & Jonathan Suárez.

The headmaster's speech, Fernando Gómez reading Robert Louis Stevenson's Spanish version of his poem "To all that love the far and blue".

2ºBac-A tutor's speech by Inma Mato.

2ºBac-B tutor's speech by Eloi Rodríguez.

Clarinet performance by Miguel Alcaide.

Speech by Carlos Blanco, 2ºBac Spanish Literature & Language teacher.

Speech by Paula Conde, representing 2ºBac-A class.

Performance by María Alcaide (voice) & Luisana Álvarez Monsalve (guitar).

Speech by Andrea Núñez & Iago Mora, representing 2ºBac-B class.

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