
Sunday 16 December 2018


1st BAC-A votes (in voting order)

19 students have voted (half the class+4), here are their votes and reasons:

Javier Esmorís: "I would like to see the film 'Love Actually', because I prefer comedy films and I've seen movies with these actors and they are funny".

Carolina Grela: "I would like to see 'The Holiday', because I like the actors, the trailer and I think it is a great movie".

Jacqueline Ferrín: "I want to watch 'Stepmom', because I think that it could be very interesting and beautiful".

Amanda Trujillo: "I prefer 'The Holiday', because I like the actress Kate Winslet.

Eva Soldán:  "'Love Actually', because I like the plot".

Marta Souto: "I want to see 'Stepmom', because it caught my attention, I want to know what happens in the end".

Oliver Vaamonde: "I vote in favour of 'Stepmom', because the trailer convinced me".

Mauricio Rosa: "I want to watch 'The Holiday', because it seems intereseting and a comedy film. I like this type of films a lot".

Mauro López: "My vote is for 'Love Actually', because I think it will be an interesting film to watch, specially because its trailer if funny".

Rodrigo Rama: "My vote is for 'Peter's Friends', because it seems an interesting and fun movie that can make us have a good time".

Zeltia Mira: "I vote 'Love Actually', because I like love stories and the film 'Notting Hill' starring Hugh Grant".

Emma Zas: 'The Holiday', because it is a funny movie".

David Sandoz: 'The Holiday', because I love this movie".

Adrián Infante: "I vote for 'The Holiday', because it seems fun and interesting".

Paula Varela: "'The Holiday', because I think it's the most interesting film".

Mario Valderas: "I will choose 'Peter's Friends', because I am suffering the pressure of that deadline date of yours, so I prefer to vote now for one film I don't really love instead of losing the oppotunity to decide. I know that it's a poor reason, but i don't have any better.  Thanks and good night".

Adrián Riveiro: "'Love Actually', because I want to see the famous actor Rowan Atkinson".

Raquel Torres:  "The film I prefer to watch is 'The Holiday', because I think that house exchanges are an interesting and original topic".

Jennifer Vaamonde: "I vote for 'Stepmom', because the trailer is very interesting".

and so the WINNING FILM is:
 "THE HOLIDAY" (8 votes)

('Love Actually' 5, 'Stepmom' 4 & 'Peter's Friends' 2)

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