
Monday 6 February 2023


This morning, 1st BAC students had the opportunity to listen to the Irishman, from Dublin, Damien Sheehy, who, courtesy of Burlington Publishers, visited our school and gave a cultural talk about the United Kingdom.

A speech about: 
- the British flag ("The Union Jack"), (Info about this is also in this blog: HERE1)
- the difference between Northern Ireland, part of the UK, and the Republic of Ireland, (Info about this is also in this blog:  HERE2).
why British drive on the left, which countries do so and the reason why. (Info about this is also in this blog:  HERE3).

Damien with Guillermo González (B1ºB) explaining the reason why the British drive on the left.

Scottish traditions (pagpipes, kilts, tartan...)

The speech came together with some quiz questions for the audience to answer:

1- Which country (out of 4 given) doesn't drive on the left? 
Answered correctly by Martin Golán (B1ºB), who took the help of 50%. The answer was Iceland.

2- What's the most forgotten object on the London tube?
Answered correctly by Victoria Orrico (B1ºC) & Alejandro Fernández (B1ºB), who took the help of the phone call to Damien's mum. The answer being the mobile phone, the object that is mostly lost on the tube.

Damien's mum helping Victoria & Alejandro with their answer via a phone call.

3- Where is Welsh mostly spoken outside the UK?
Question for Román Alemparte (B1ºA), who had the help of the rest of the audience, but the answer was really unexpected: Patagonia in Argentina. So they didn't answer it correctly.

The audience voting to help Román with his answer.

Damien with some of the boys and their English teacher at the end of the speech:

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