On this page of the blog, we'll post what doesn't fit on any other page or under any other label, but which we consider interesting in the process of learning and understanding English. Also things that come with Spanish.
[02/Dec/2024] Cyber Monday
[22/Sept/2021] Expressions with COLOURS
[25/Sept/2019] How to beat climate change? Meeting Greta Thunberg.
[17/November/2018] Cosas raras del inglés
[25/January/2018] "MAMMA MIA-2. HERE WE GO AGAIN!" TRAILERS:
[15/January/2018] Dolores O'Riordan's death.
Link- The war, zombies & the kids killed in Warrington
[28/November/2017] Polyglot-Nationalities & Languages:
[1/April/2017] Daniel Tammet's interview @ Cadena SER:
[11/January/2017] Spanish is not so easy to pronounce:
[10/January/2017] Guess the language that is spoken:
[5/January/2017] Fly over 17th century London:
[23/December/2016] Christmas idioms.
[8/December/2015] A bilingual joke for fun.
[5/June/2015] The translation into Spanish of the poem by Robert Luois Stevenson, which Miguel Mato mentioned at 2015 2nd BAC Graduation.
A cuantos aman la azul lejanía:
los que desde el alba a la noche, buscando
fugitivos rincones camináis
sin desalentaros en la vana búsqueda;
los que río cantarín abajo,
zagual en mano, joviales remáis
salpicando al sargo saltarín
o fondeáis en la raíz del sauce;
los que, más osados, de la fangosa ribera
zarpáis, llevando aquel arca de cedro
entre aves marinas y el rugido
del mar inmenso, tan profundo y tan claro;
o los que, en fin, marcháis adonde vuestro corazón
os lleva
sin importaros otra cosa, y oís,
sentados junto al fuego del hogar,
ruido de pasos en Utah o Pamere:
aunque largo el camino y duros sean
el sol y la lluvia, el rocío y el polvo,
aunque en la desesperación y el ansia del camino
enterrados queden los mayores, y extravíense los hijos
al final, oh amigos, estad seguros
de que suceda lo que suceda, allá en el horizonte,
en el confín de los confines,
veréis aparecer la ciudad dorada.
[8/December/2014] The importance of punctuation.
[4/July/2014] Helping tourists understand Spanish expressions:
[3/July/2014] The "Casa Gallega" menu:
[15/May/2014] The video you'll like to send to all those who don't stop looking at their mobile phone when they are with you: (Link to it)
[20/February/2014] FUTURE NEWS with Javier Cámara, Andrew Lincoln & Bill Nighy:[28/January/2014] "THIS BOOK IS THE MILK"
Here's the link to a newspaper article which presents a book that teaches English through tricks and logical associations of words: THIS BOOK IS THE MILK! (In Spanish)
[12/January/2014] Link to online educational resources: HERE
[28/March/2013] "THE WINNER TAKES IT ALL", ABBA (+English &Spanish subtitles)+ "Mamma Mia" version + Meryl Streep:
[23/March/2013] "A SHORT FILM ABOUT CUTS"
Here's a video that makes us think about the cut backs on education budgets. It has been made by students and teachers of Public Primary School "Vicente Ferrer" ay Valderrobles (Teruel) with the help of the Mantarranya Secondary School. Here's the English subtitled version video.
To watch the Spanish version @ ArquivosDoTrasno.
Video "UN CORTO RECORTADO" ("A short film about cuts"):
[1/March/2013] "ROLLING IN THE DEEP", Adele (+Spanish subtitles):
[15/Feb/2013] "ONLY YOU" (Yazoo-Alison Moyet)+Spanish subtitles:
[20/Oct/2012] Brad Pitt at "Chanel nº5" ad with Spanish subtitles.
[5/Oct/2011] Steve Jobs, co-founder of Apple, died today. Video of his speech at Stanford with Spanish subtitles.
[28-April-2011] Today some 1ºBac students attended the 2nd edition in A Coruña of "LQDVI" 2011. Here are some videos by Jaume Sanllorente (in English), Irene Villa's latest interview on TVE [17-Feb-2011] and Toni Nadal's video shown at the conference. These two last ones are in Spanish, an exception in our blog, but their experience well deserves being posted after having seen and heard them today.
Irene Villa:
Toni Nadal & Rafa Nadal:
[British TV-ads 1996]