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Wednesday, 20 May 2015


 "ONE DAY" by David Nicholls

Last Sunday, it was Galician Literature Day and our Normalización Lingüística Team had previously proposed a translation contest from the different languages taught at our school into Galician. 
The English Department proposed a text taken from a bestseller book in Britain named "ONE DAY", which is a novel by David Nicholls, published in 2009. Each chapter covers the lives of two protagonists on the same day: 15th July, St. Swithin's Day, during twenty years. The novel attracted generally positive reviews. Nicholls adapted his book into a screenplay; the feature film, with the same title, was released in August 2011, starring Anne Hathaway and Jim Sturgess

Video trailer of the film:

Here's the passage from the book chosen to be translated into Galician. It's from the last chapter of the book:

And so Emma Morley walked home in the evening light, trailing her disappointment behind her. The day was cooling off now, and she shivered as she felt something in the air, an unexpected shudder of anxiety that ran the length of her spine, and was so intense as to make her stop walking for a moment. Fear of the future, she thought. She found herself at the imposing junction of George Street and Hanover Street as all around people hurried home from work or out to meet friends or lovers, all with a sense of purpose and direction. And here she was, twenty-two and clueless and sloping back to a dingy flat, defeated once again.
What are you going to do with your life?” In one way or another it seemed that people had been asking for this forever; teachers, her parents, friends at three in the morning..., but the question had never seemed this pressing and still she was no nearer an answer. The future rose up ahead of her, a succession of empty days, each more daunting and unknowable than the one before her. How would she ever fill them all?
She began walking again, south towards the Mound. “Live each day as if it's your last”, that was the conventional advice, but really, who had the energy for that? What if it rained or you felt a bit glandy? It just wasn't practical. Better by far to simply try and be good and courageous and bold to make a difference. Not change the world exactly, but the bit around you. Go out there with your passion and your electric typewriter and work hard at... something. Change lives through arte maybe. Cherish your friends, stay true to your principles, live passionately and fully and well. Experience new things. Love and be loved, if you ever get the chance.

This would be a possible accurate version into Galician:

Así Emma Morley regresou a casa andando na luz do atardecer, arrastrando con ela a súa decepción. O día empezaba a refrescar agora, e ela tremeu ao sentir algo no aire, un inesperado calafrío de ansiedade que percorreu por completo a súa espiña e foi tan intenso que a fíxo deterse uns intres. Medo ao futuro, pensou. Atopouse no impoñente cruce entre as rúas George e Hanover mentras que ao seu arredor xente con présa regresaban as súas casas ou saían a encontrarse cos seus amigos ou as súas parellas, todos eles cunha razón e dirección claras. E alí estaba ela, vinte e dous anos e indecisa, voltando sen ánimos a un piso deprimente, derrotada unha vez mais.
"Qué vas facer ca túa vida?" Dunha maneira ou doutra, semellaba que a xente sempre facía a mesma pregunta eternamente; os profesores, os seus pais, os amigos ás tres da mañá..., e ainda que a pregunta nunca lle resultara tan apremante coma agora, ela non estaba máis preto da resposta. O futuro alzábase diante dela, unha sucesión de días baleiros, cada un deles máis desalentador e descoñecido que o día que estaba a vivir. Como chegaría a enchelos todos?
Empezou a camiñar de novo, cara ao sur hacia o Mound. "Vive cada día como se fose o último", era o consello habitual, pero realmente, quen tiña forzas dabondo para iso? Qué pasa se chove ou se non te sentes ben? Non era práctico en absoluto. Era moito mellor simplemente intentar ser bo e valente e audaz para ser diferente. Non intentes precisamente cambiar o mundo enteiro, senon o anaco ao teu arredor. Sae aí fóra coa túa paixón e a túa máquina de escribir eléctrica e traballa duro en... algo. Quizáis, cambia vidas a través do arte. Quere aos teus amigos, permanece fiel aos teus principios, vive apaixoadamente, con plenitude e ben. Experimenta cousas novas. Ama e déixate amar, se algunha vez tes a oportunidade.

These have been the different handed in versions by students:

- First, the one we consider the best of all by...

- Following the rest of the translations handed in in alphabetical order

[by Andrea Busto, 1ºBAC-A]

[by Sara Giunta, 3ºESO-A]

[By Lúa Sendon, 1ºESO-B]

[by Miriam Varela, 1ºBAC-B]

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